Health Workshops

We encourage our practice members to attend our monthly health workshops, to learn how our body is designed to heal and why chiropractic is vitally important to express health. We find that members who are proactive about their health and understand why we do what we do, get the most out of their care.
We also offer other workshops through the year to help maximize health. You can find updated information about these classes on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

August 3rd at 5:30pm – Back to School Workshop! In-person event.
For every family, Back to School season can be a tough time. We go from the laid-back, easy-going schedule of summer, to waking up early, packing bags and lunches, making sure homework is done, and off to the routine of school.

Except this year has been anything but routine, and the upcoming Back to School season is especially full of stress, anxiety, and unanswered questions for us all.

If you’ve got a kiddo with Sensory Challenges, Focus, and Learning Challenges, or Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Challenges… then this fall has you beyond worried about how your child is going to handle the vastly different routines, the masks, the school schedule, and more. We want to help.

We’ve put together this workshop to answer your questions, calm your fears and help you draw up a game plan for the upcoming school year! This is information and support your family needs now more than ever!

July 21 at 6:30pm – Monster Headaches and Migraines
Come learn about the causes and ways to not just manage but overcome chronic headaches and migraines. During this class, Dr. Megan will help you to identify triggers and create a plan of action to reduce and control headaches and migraines.

March 11th at 6:15pm – Practice Member Appreciation Day!
Health for the whole family
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the resources and tools to introduce and foster the wellness lifestyle you and your family deserves. During the class, Dr. Megan will demonstrate a pediatric examination and adjustment.

February 23rdUnraveling Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorders
The role of diet on gut health and its influence on the brain and nervous system.
We will explore how genetics and the environment impact childhood neurodevelopmental, learning and behavioral challenges.
How behavior is impacted by a stressed brain and nervous system (Fight or Flight response).
Natural strategies to improve health, behavior, learning and socialization that you can implement the next day.

On Thursday, January 23rd, Dr. Megan will partner with her brother-in-law Dr. Ryan Zeronis to deliver a timely lesson on Boosting Your Immunity This Winter Season. It’s no coincidence that cold and flu season coincides with the holidays every year! These two well versed chiropractors will identify the practices that lead to a run-down immune system, and how you can alter your daily habits to ensure that you’re capable of fighting off whatever may come your way. Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages will be served, with an admission of $10 at the door. Lecture begins at 6:30 pm.

On Wednesday, January 15th our office will host Certified Health and Life Coach Christine Kenney for her Kick The Sugar talk. Sugar is one of the most addictive elements in the average American diet, and as such can pose many issues for those trying to reduce their intake, despite all of the negative health effects that have been associated with its overconsumption. Christine will discuss the pitfalls that individuals who are trying to reduce their sugar intake commonly encounter, and how to effectively overcome them. Visit to learn more about Christine and her practice. Discussion will start at 6:30 pm.

We are hosting a Patient Appreciation Day on Wednesday, January 8th to celebrate the start of a new decade with our patients. To kick it off the right way, we’re holding a canned food drive that will benefit Carole’s Kitchen, a local food pantry dedicated to eliminating childhood hunger and other barriers to equal education. We’ll have refreshments and activities throughout the day to show our appreciation for our practice family members. Please follow for more information on how you can help.